Rally History
In 1951 the first annual Miracles Rally took place in Victoria, BC.
AA was in its infancy. The big book had been published a scant 12 years earlier, and the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions had yet to be written. It was clear there was a need for fellowship to go beyond the rooms and the program. The unity of the fellowship is every bit as important today.
In the years since, The Victoria Miracles Rally has become the biggest event on the Vancouver Island recovery calendar. It will be packed from start to finish with speakers, meetings, meals, entertainment and fellowship.
This year will mark the 74th year for the event and shows no signs of slowing down. There will be a number of speakers, both locals and guests, carrying the message of AA and Al-Anon. Saturday will be a showcase of panels and workshops through the day.
“We are not a glum lot”, and the Miracles Rally is where mantra manifests for newcomers, oldtimers and everyone in between.
Recovery is sometimes a difficult path. The fellowship is filled with an abundance of knowledge and experience, so why walk alone? People rely on social and emotional support while facing the trials of life and most alcoholics don’t have a strong support system the first time they put their hand up. For the program to continue, newcomers need to become oldtimers, and that won’t happen without unity.